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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): The first photographic exhibition was held by Counter Narcotics Justice Centre in Kabul

The first photographic exhibition was held by Counter Narcotics Justice Centre in Kabul

2018-07-01 CNJC Photo


For the first time, the Photographic Exhibition was successfully conducted in Bagh-e Babur Queen Palace by Counter Narcotics Justice Centre with the cooperation of Nai in the harm of illegal drug use, cultivation, production, and trafficking, social causes.  

The exhibition was organized on 27th July 2018 with a number of senior government civilian and government officials, media representatives, media reporters, civil society activists and professional activist’s,  photographers who won the awards and certificates in this program. 

Mr. Saranpoh Noor Habib Jalal Deputy Attorney General of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan said that the increase in crops, the production and trafficking of narcotic drugs, and the increasing incidence of addicts to this phenomenon in the country, have caused the poorest people in Afghanistan to suffer the most, while the benefits of this naive phenomenon are taking those people who are Against humanity.

According Mr. Jalal believes fight against drug is not easy in the country but ministries and relevant organizations need to give hands to hands and mobilize in order that the poor people of this country not suffered from this phenomenon. 

 He added that fight and poverty is increasing day by day on the other hand cultivation, production and drug intoxicating has also been increased over the year and obviously people are facing thousands problems and not paying attention to this  problem will  suffer  the people a lot. 

Deputy Attorney General of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan said while fully exploring the functioning of the justice system, including the judiciary, the prosecutor's office, the police and the press of this center,, taking into account the advice of the elites and the people of the country, would take stronger steps in their duties. 

He also made the role of the youth in the field of informing the public sector and drug harm very effective and the youth of the country would have to deal with the harm done to their families and to be well placed in a climate free of war, poverty, trafficking, and oppression.


   Moreover, Abdul Khalil Bakhtiar, Deputy Minister of Counter Narcotics has been participating in the exhibition emphasized that   cultivation, production, trafficking in narcotics and  drug addicts  have increased in the country, ; However, he noted that all Afghan people are now fighting against narcotics, and they will also carry out inevitable efforts to prosecute drug traffickers as incumbents.

National mobilization against drugs in the country is among the top priorities, he added that it is the task of individual of the nation, to take responsibility for this. 

While acknowledging the activities of the Counter Narcotics Justice he also emphasized that Police of Deputy Ministry of Counter Narcotics has had good achievements in this field in recent years, but it is not enough because in his believed that the problem of narcotics is not only Afghanistan problem and it is an international problem. This requires the full cooperation of national and international community.

 Mr. Bakhtiar has commended the launch of awareness-raising exhibitions by CNJC with the cooperation of Nai is very important on emergencies and drug abuse can play a role in awareness raising campaigns.   

In addition to this program, Jamaluddin Badr, the Supreme Leader of the Peace Corps, acknowledged that the drug was not only considered to be forbidden in religion of Islam, but also forbidden in non-Islamic countries as well   because it was more harmful to the individual and society, and therefore the voice of the people of the whole world is the same. 

According to Mr. Bader, there is no doubt that in recent years there has been some action against the cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotics in Afghanistan, but the problem of drugs is not only  related to Afghanistan, but it also needs to be addressed in the face of the smuggling of foreign smugglers. Therefore, the international community needs to cooperate more with Afghanistan in this regard.

He has urged from Afghanistan, in particular, the relevant institutions to raise awareness about the cultivation, production and trafficking of narcotic drugs, and to solve this problem. Other than this, the problems will be further aggravated by the plight of the people of Afghanistan.

Ahmad Ramish One of the participants in the exhibition, photographer, spoke out of the ever-increasing growth, production of opiate blight and drugs ask the relevant authorities not to hesitate in this regards. 

He says that at present, the young people who are the eyewitnesses in Afghanistan are often concerned about the economic problems, unemployment and persistent fighting in the country for various materials, including psychotropic tablets (K), which is undoubtedly worrying.

On the other hand, Zakieh is a woman according to herself, has five children, and came with family to Bagh Babar for visiting Photo Exhibition. 

Ms. Zakieh, seeing the photos exhibition, which was shown to the visitors in connection with the mourning, production, traffic, use, and social harm of the oppressed, drugged and photographed visitors, pointed out that: "(I myself worried about the addiction of my children in the current situation because the whole environment is addicts and sellers of drugs I fear of my own children.  

She also called on the responsible authorities to stop smuggling and selling narcotic drugs especially inside the city otherwise nobody will be in save from this phenomenon.

It should be noted that during the first exhibition of photographs related to the trafficking, production, , use and social damage of drugs conducted by CNJC with the help of Nai Media,  Among more than 200  photos sent by professional photographers,  selected by three professional Referee  as first, second and third  place winners, each of them  was awarded  photo camera but  for 18 others certificate was provided. 

And also certificates were provided for the three Referees by CNJC. 

The photo Exhibition was conducted for three days at Bagh Babar thousands people including government officials, foreigners were participated. 

This is despite the fact that over the past several years CNJC launched  awareness  campaign against drug trafficking and harm of drug  Posters painted in cartoons containing specific messages on the incidence and vulnerability of drug users in some schools in the districts of Kabul.