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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): History (Biography) of Investigation and Laboratory Department

History (Biography) of Investigation and Laboratory Department

2017-08-20 CJTF Photo


Establishing a Laboratory for the Anti-Narcotic Drugs Police  within the Unit of  Deputy of counter narcotics    to comply with the laws of the country and in accordance with the specific requirements of the Anti-Drug Enforcement Agency for the purpose of its specialization and the expression of scientific theory about the various types of drugs Liquid and Solid Liquids and Alcoholic Beverages as Certified Contributors to the International Community and Financial Support Office of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) (for the first time in March 2004 As a result, on June 20, 2005, the foundation stone was laid by Mr. Maryakosta, head of the Combatting Materials Bureau for the Crime of the United Nations Organization in Kabul, The laboratory was completed on April 27, 2006, and the  opened ceremony was held   by Lt.General  Daud (MD) former deputy ministry of counter  narcotics along with international colleagues.

 Laboratory personnel are hired through open  competition by  well  experienced and professional teachers  internally and externally  at the presence of advisers at the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, welcomed the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) And those who achieved the highest marks were initiated according to the necessity of attraction and to scientific and research activities, And all staff privileges and other donations, equipment and technical equipment are funded through the CA {(NCA) National Crime Agency,  The activity of the labors of the year 1386, which began the police reopening, was carried out, Finally, with the adaptation of the reform and  organization, the Laboratory department at the ceiling of the formation of criminal justice (public management, examination, and laboratory) is nowadays corroborated with its scientific and practical work.

It is noteworthy that at that time the Laboratory began its work in an appropriate room, which, according to the needs of the drug problem, finally paves the way for a new 540 -square-meter repair of the new Laboratory, financed by Germany with cooperation of  the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) The General Directorate of Combatting Narcotics Operations has been set up in 2011 and  completed on June 30, 2014, and finally the opened ceremony  was done by Lt.General  Baz Mohammad  deputy minister of counter narcotics with the cooperation of international colleagues along with embassies representatives.