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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): Mobile Theater Performances in Counter Narcotics welcomed by School Students and Deemed as a Success

Mobile Theater Performances in Counter Narcotics welcomed by School Students and Deemed as a Success

2014-10-19 Mobile theatre.jpg

Between the 5th and 12th July 2014, The CJTF Communications Directorate successfully delivered a series of Mobile Theatre Performances to raise the dangers caused by narcotics. The performances were rolled-out to a large number of school students in both Balkh and Heart Provinces. The intended message was to reinforce the devastation caused by narcotics cultivation, production, trafficking and use. The shows highlighted many aspects of narcotic trafficking within Afghanistan, including the application of the Counter Narcotics legislation in support of prosecuting offenders. The program was highly welcomed by all students and school principals in attendance.

The shows were attended by more than fourteen thousand students from eight different schools in both Balkh and Heart Province.

The Mobile Theatre performances were carried out by a number of actors who performed scenes centered on real-life drama concerning the devastation caused by narcotics.

One of the teachers from El-Marb High School expressed her gratitude to the CJTF Communications Directorate for organizing the events. She stated that awareness programs such as these are not only interesting and educational but also crucial to reinforce an extremely important message to juveniles and highlight the dangers associated to narcotics. She added that as poverty, insecurity and anarchy is on the increase concerning narcotics trafficking, education such as these performances sends out a valuable and important message in order to mitigate the harm caused. Key messages through the use of live performances are the best way to convey important messages, such as the reality of physical and mental addiction. Through emphasizing the negative impact of narcotics, these performances will act as an educational tool and encourage children not to try narcotics. 

One of the students in attendance was interviewed and stated how interesting the performance was. She stated that originally she was not going to attend the performance as she had to study for her exams, however when she heard her classmates were to attend she decided to go. She said the show taught her a number of issues such as the devastating impact narcotics addiction can have within families and communities. She also learnt a lot around the punishment imposed by the CJTF on offenders who cultivate traffic and deal in narcotics. 

One of the teachers from a boys High School in Heart Province stated that the CJTF awareness program positively promotes how the Counter Narcotics legislation, imposed by the CJTF, is a major deterrent to those who are actively involved in the cultivation, trafficking and use of narcotics. He stated “Certainly, it is an initiative and I as an instructor I appreciate the CJTF program launchers for conducting such program enlightening students not to refer to narcotic drugs.”

He went on to say he had attended many awareness programs in the past, but this performance is both excellent and educational. The actor’s performance was outstanding. The government need to seriously tackle drug trafficking by focusing in on the farmers who cultivate narcotics and those who distribute narcotics.

The Mobile Theatre’s performance lasted for approximately fifty minutes. Over three hundred students in attendance recorded the performance on their mobile phones to post on social media websites, such as Facebook and Twitter.