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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): Monthly Report

Monthly Report



During the month of July 22- August 22- 2018 police of counter narcotics along with other security and intelligence forces arrested 56 people in the connection to 39 cases that include 4 women from all over the country and their cases are dispatched to Counter Narcotics Justice Centre for further prosecuting.

Its Word mentioning that in the link to the cases happened in the month of  July  22- August 22-  2018  in total the amount of  ( 64,114)  kilogram of Heroin, ( 240,28 )  kilogram opium , ( 877,487)  kilogram Hashish, ( 17,089)    kilogram Cristal ( shisha ) ,  ( 283) pills Tablet k (  Psychedelic tablet )   ( 14000) kilogram poppy , ( 5178,9) alcohol are discovered and seized . 

Among the detainees 10 of them wanted to transfer heroin-type drugs carrying in their body (swelling) and travel luggages from Hamid Karzai International Airport to India New Delhi; they were identified and arrested by the police and responsible Prosecutor of Counter Narcotics Justice Centre. 

Based in request of Prosecution Department during the month of July  22- August 22-  2018   Primary court confiscated 23 vehicle, 2 Motor bike , 2 different weapons ,  94 different   self-phone obtained from the smugglers and also based on court  ordered the amount of ( 13600 )  Afghani currency Cush money  and amount of ( 192867)  U.S. Dollar obtained from the smugglers and dispatched to Da Afghanistan Bank .   

At the same time during the month of July 22- August 22- 2018 from the Primary court and Appeal court of CNJC 79 people sentenced to jail in the link to 57 cases of drug trafficking crime   from one year up to 20 year. 

Police of counter and intoxicating narcotics received from the suspects the amount of (1000 ) kilogram of drug heroin type, ( 116)  kilogram of morphine, ( 259)  kilogram of opium, ( 2587)  kilogram hashish, ( 590) gram Methamphetamine,   ( 1614) liter Acetic anhydride , (1224) liter alcohol, ( 600 ) liter hydrochloric, ( 2) kilogram  pills Tablet k (  Psychedelic tablet)  mentioned substances are discovered and seized that has been found during the arrestments of suspects and the detainees are sent to CNJC along with their cases for further prosecuting.     

On the other hand during this time after the decision of Appeal of Counter Narcotics Justice Centre the decision of 15 cases issued by Supreme Court’s public security bureau of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.  

Provinces with the highest number of crime and drug cases:

During the month of July 22- August 22-  2018   ) Kabul and Nangarhar  province having 11-11  cases each  are at the top of the list of provinces  with high-level cases of smuggling and drug trafficking.


The Provinces of Daikundi, Panjshir, Wardak, Uruzgan, Takhar, , Bamyan, Kapisa, Logar, Badghis, Zabul, Samangan, Paktika, Nuristan , Pakteya,Khost, Neemrooz, Ghzani, Sur-pul, Badghiz, Faryab, Farah, Kunar, jawzja, Kundiz, and Ghor    are among the provinces that  there are no cases of smuggling and drug trafficking registered with CNJC.

In the course of month July 22- August 22- 2018   , in connection with the 57 cases of drug crimes, 72 people, including 5 women, 1 citizen of Iran were detained from all over the country and their cases are dispatched to CNJC for further prosecuting. 

Based on new changes to the penalty code of Counter Narcotics,  accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the Law,  fight against alcohol and drugs jurisdiction CNJC  has the authority of interrogation or (handling) at least 1 kilogram of heroin, 10 kilogram of opium, 50 kilogram of hashish, and 200  liter of alcoholic drink , 1 kilogram of Morphine,  10 gram of intoxicating  synthetic substance, 5 liter acid of acetic anhydride, intoxicants, and those who  committed more than 50 acres of narcotic substance will be punished base on the law ,  the  mentioned substances are from all over the country.