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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): 65 Suspects Arrested In Connection to Drug Trafficking

65 Suspects Arrested In Connection to Drug Trafficking

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Based on police investigation and laboratory department’s report, during the month of 22 March 2018 up to 22 April 2018 In connection with the 53 cases of drug offenses and crimes, 65 suspect arrested, including two female and four public service agents, one Iranian citizen, from all over the country their cases dispatched to Counter Narcotics Justice Center for further investigation and Prosecution.

It should be noted that among the cases reached by the center, 25 of them were related to Hamid Karzai International Airport, they had the intention of transferring heroin-type narcotics to India and Saudi Arabia.

According to the information of General Prosecution Department of CNJC this department has completed the investigation of 54 cases of crimes and drug offenders, along with the remaining cases from last month.

General Prosecution Directorate of CNJC at the same period has referred 60 cases to the Primary court, 38 cases to the Appeal Court and has averted 21 cases to Supreme Court’s public security bureau of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

During the period of 1396, 18 vehicles and 92 different mobile phones, two weapons captured and confiscated from smugglers. Also the amount of 10500 Afghani and 900 US dollars, and after confiscation of the competent court, and Delivered to Da Afghanistan Bank.

Meanwhile, during the year 1396, 28 suspects including a woman sentenced from one year and Six month up to 16 years imprisonment by the primary Court of CNJC. Also 23 suspects have been sentenced to various imprisonments By the Appeal Court of Counter Narcotics Justice Center (CNJC).

On the other hand, during this time after the decision of the Appeals Court of CNJC, the Supreme Court’s public security bureau of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan issued 18 decisions.

In the report of general department of investigation and laboratory of police mentioned the total amount of seized narcotics whose cases have been received by the department of CNJC in month of (22 March 2018 up to 22 April 2018) are as follows

(383,391) kilograms of heroin

(21) Kg of morphine

(205, 44) kilograms of opium

(627,077) kg of hashish 

(32340, 616) kilograms of solid chemicals

(290) pill Tablet k

Provinces with the highest number of crime cases and drugs:

During the month of (March 22- 22 April 2018) Kabul province, with 31 cases Nangarhar and Herat province each having 6-6 cases of drug trafficking are at the top of the list of provinces with high-level cases of smuggling and drug trafficking.

Provinces without Crime and Drug Cases:

Provinces of Khost, Daikundi, Panjshir, Zabul, Wardak, Saripul, Samangan, Paktika, Uruzgan, Kunar, Kapisa, Ghor, Ghazni, Faryab, Farah, Bamiyan, Logar, Badakhshan, Takhar, Badghiz , Nemrooz, Jawzjan and Nuristan are among the provinces during the Month of 22 March- 22 April 2018   There are no crime cases of smuggling and drug trafficking.

In the meantime during the Month of  Hoot 1396 ( Feb- March 2018 ) in connection with 65 cases of drug crimes, 86 suspects arrested, including one woman and five public service agents from all over the country and their cases are dispatched to Counter Narcotic justice Center ( CNJC ) for further prosecuting.   

It is noteworthy that CNJC established In Islamic Year of 1384 (May 2005) in accordance with Articles 16 and 17 of the Law fight against alcohol and drugs jurisdiction has the authority of interrogation or (handling) at least 1 kilograms of heroin, 10 kilograms of opium, 50 kilograms of hashish, and 200  liters of alcoholic drink , one kilogram of Morphine,  10 gram of intoxicating  synthetic substance, 5 liter Acid of Acetic Anhydride, intoxicants  committed more than 50 acres of narcotic substance will be punished base on the law , are from all over the country.