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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): 73 suspect arrested in connection of drug trafficking

73 suspect arrested in connection of drug trafficking



During the month of (Dec- January 2018) a total of 55 cases were filed with 73 suspects, including 2 public service, 3 women and one Iranian citizen suspected of drug trafficking from across the country to the  Counter Narcotics Justice center.

General Directorate of Special Prosecution Counter narcotics after receiving or finding the cases of smuggling and drug trafficking from General Department of Investigation# laboratory police of this center  and  completed 45 suspect investigations.

In the course of the month of (Dec- January 2018) 58 people, including 11 people charged from public services, 6 women and one citizen of Iran, were sentenced to five years' imprisonment by the primary Court of Counter narcotics Justice center, as well as from the early months of the (Dec- January 2018) 27 Suspect has been convicted and sentenced by the Appeal court of Counter narcotics and one was released as there was not enough evidence against him.

Meanwhile, after the judicial decision of the Appeals Court of Counter Narcotics, along with the remaining cases of last month, 22 cases from Supreme Court of public security bureau of Islamic republic of Afghanistan the decision has been made.

In connection with the aforementioned cases, the following amounts of drugs have been seized:

(77, 12) kg of heroin

(41,991) kilogram of morphine

(7286.93) kilogram of opium

(2000) kilograms of hashish 

(2366) kilograms of solid chemicals

(2.5) liters of liquid chemicals

(232) liter of Alcoholic drinks

In addition, during the current month of( Dec-  January 2018 )  Kabul province, having  18 cases Nangarhar province having  12 cases are at the top of the list of provinces with high crime cases of  drug trafficking.

The provinces of Khost, Daikundi, Nuristan, Panjshir, Saripul, Samangan, Paktika, Paktia, Kunduz, Kunar, Kapisa, Ghazni, Bamyan, Badakhshan, Ghor, Takhar, Zabul and Badghis are among the provinces during this period do not have or registered  any crime smuggling or drug trafficking cases  in Counter Narcotics Justice Center (CNJC) 

However, in the course of the month of ( Nov- Dec 2017 ) , a total of 57 cases involving 63 people, including 3 public service employees and 2 women who were suspected of drugs trafficking  in different provinces of the country their cases has been sent  to the Counter Narcotics Justice Center. 

  It is noteworthy that CNJC established In Islamic Year of 1384 (May 2005) in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of the Law fight against alcohol and drugs jurisdiction has the authority of interrogation or (handling) at least 2 kilograms of heroin, 10 kilograms of opium, 50 kilograms of hashish, 50 kilograms of chemicals, Chemical and 50 liters of alcohol or intoxicants are from all over the country.