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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): Monthly Report

Monthly Report

2017-09-24 logo - cjtf.jpg


Report of Investigation# Laboratory and General prosecution Directorate department:

Based on police investigation and laboratory department’s report, during the month of September 2017, in total 30 cases related to 43 suspects have been referred to CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department (ILD) from across the country, and averted to CJTF prosecution Directorate for further investigation purposes after primary investigations done by ILD.

Based on CJTF prosecution’s report, by receiving the cases, the CJTF Prosecution Directorate preceded 55 of the narco-crime cases received from the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department in addition to the previous month’s unprocessed cases. Within this period, the CJTF prosecution has averted 43 new cases from Investigation and Laboratory of police of counter narcotic, the total case are 98 among those 35 cases of crimes, alcohol and drug research has been completed.

CJTF General Prosecution Directorate during the same period has refereed 83  cases to the competent courts and has averted 37 cases to primary court, 30 cases to appeal court, and 16 cases to the supreme Court‘s public security bureau of Islamic republic of  Afghanistan.

Conforming to the report of this department during the month of September 2017 in pursuance of 45 case of of the primary court, in relation to 21 cases from special prosecution of appeal court, and 8 cases to the Supreme Court’s public security bureau of Islamic republic of Afghanistan the decision has been issued.

This department during the month of September 2017 the number of 12 vehicles and 47 set of different type of mobile phone, which were obtained from smugglers confiscated and also the amount of 41624 Afghani currency and 300 U.S. dollar attainment from the traffickers and sent to the Da Afghanistan Bank.

The total amount of seized narcotics whose cases have been received by the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department in September 2017 listed below:  

( 28,73 ) kg of Heroin 

(16) Kg of Morphine 

(171,5) Kg of opium 

(1761 ) hashish 

( 795 ) Liter of Alcoholic Drink 

Provinces with the most cases of alcohol and drug crimes: Kabul having 12 cases, Nangarhar 4 cases are topped the list of the provinces.

Provinces without alcohol and drugs crimes cases : khost, Daikundi, Nurstan , Panjshir, Zabel , Wardak, Sure-pul, Paktika, Pakteya, Laghman, Kapesa, Ghor Ghazani , Bamyan, Badghis, Kandahar, Herat, Kundiz.