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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): Monthly Report

Monthly Report

2017-01-22 logo - cjtf.jpg

Investigation and Laboratory Department & CJTF prosecution directorate’s monthly activities report

Based on police investigation and laboratory department’s report, within Asad of 1395, in total 30 cases related to 40 suspects have been referred to CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dep (ILD) from across the country, and averted to CJTF prosecution Directorate for further investigation purposes after primary investigations done by ILD.

Based on CJTF prosecution’s report, by receiving the cases, the CJTF Prosecution Directorate preceded 44 of the narco-crime cases received from the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department in addition to the previous month’s unprocessed cases. Within this period, the CJTF prosecution has averted 38 cases to primary court, 19 to appeal court and 31 to Supreme Court’s public security bureau.

It is worth mentioning that based on CJTF Prosecution’s report 15 cases have been finalized by the Afghan Supreme  court’s  public Security Bureau in Asad of 1395 (Islamic month and year).

The total amount of seized narcotics whose cases have been received by the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department in Asad of 1395 is as below:

117.962 kg heroin

24.83 kg morphine 

868.6 kg opium

0. kg hashish 

297 kg solid chemical precursor

1872 liter alcoholic drinks