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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): SECOND QUARTER 1391(July-September 2012)

SECOND QUARTER 1391(July-September 2012)

Numbers of people investigated prosecuted and convicted

CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department:

In second quarter of 1391, the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept received 161 serious narcotics and intoxicating drinks cases including 190 suspects from the across the country, whose primary investigation was completed and sent to the CJTF Prosecution Department for further investigation.

Case Developments:

In second quarter of 1391, the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept developed 3 narco-cases with great skill and bravery which lead to the arrest of 4 suspects. After completing their investigation, the cases were sent to the CJTF Prosecution Department for further investigation.

The total quantities of seized drugs along with their cases were sent to the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept within the second quarter of 1391, are as follows:

2,950.976 kg heroin

37.34 kg morphine

20,075.77 kg opium

9,383.526 kg hashish

5,774.73 kg solid chemical precursors

12,555 liters liquid precursors

15,777 liters Alcohol

CJTF General Prosecution Directorate:

In second quarter of 1391, the CJTF Prosecution Directorate successfully completed the investigation and prosecution of the serious narcotics and intoxicating drinks cases based on the Law against intoxicating drinks and narcotics which they received from CJTF ILD. Within this period, the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate sent 120 cases to the CJTF Primary Court, 101 cases to the CJTF Appeal Court and 139 cases to the Supreme Court of Afghanistan for their final decisions.

CJTF Primary Court:

In second quarter of 1391, the CJTF Primary Court dealt with all the cases received from the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate and as a result 158 people have been convicted to prison sentences of up to 20 years.

CJTF Appeal Court:

In second quarter of 1391, the CJTF Appeal Court dealt with all the cases received from the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate and as a result convicted 181 defendants on different narco-crimes to prison sentences of up to 20 years, the convictions include 17 public officials and 4 foreigners.

Cases Finalized By Supreme Court:

In second quarter of 1391, the convictions of 173 drug traffickers have been finalized by the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.