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Counter Narcotics Justices Center (CNJC): Annual Report 2011/12

Annual Report 2011/12

The figures included in the Report are from the Islamic Year 1390( 2011-2012)
Numbers of people investigated, prosecuted and convicted by CJTF:
Since the start of 1390, staff of the Criminal Justice Task Force (CJTF) has continued to work tirelessly to present a credible deterrence to those involved in the production and distribution of narcotics in Afghanistan.
There has been a clear and intense focus on the role of the CJTF in not only arresting and prosecuting alleged drug traffickers, but also ensuring that the rights of those arrested are fully respected and they are given a fair and open trial.
CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Department:
The CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept is the first department at the CJTF to receive the cases sent by the Counter Narcotics Police of Afghanistan (CNPA) and other law enforcement organizations (LEOs) from across Afghanistan.
The CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept received 635 serious narcotics and intoxicating drinks cases including 817 suspects from the across the country. As part of these cases 31 public officials, 12 foreigners and 6 females were among the suspects whose primary investigation was completed and sent to the CJTF Prosecution Department for further investigation.
Case Developments:
In 2010, the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept developed 33 narco-cases with great skill and bravery which lead to the arrest of 52 suspects. After completing their investigation, the cases were sent to the CJTF Prosecution Department for further investigation.
The total quantities of seized drugs along with their cases were sent to the CJTF Investigation and Laboratory Dept within the last year, are as follows:
More than 7 tonnes heroin
More than 37 tonnes morphine
More than 60.5 tonnes opium
More than 80.5 tonnes hashish
More than 87.5 tonnes solid chemical precursors
More than 55.5 liters liquid precursors
More than 59000 liters Alcohol
CJTF General Prosecution Directorate:
The CJTF Prosecution Directorate successfully completed the investigation and prosecution of
serious narcotics and intoxicating drinks cases based on the Law against intoxicating drinks and narcotics which they received from CJTF ILD. Within this period, the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate sent 602 cases to the CJTF Primary Court, 506 cases to the CJTF Appeal Court and 378 cases to the Supreme Court of Afghanistan for their final decisions.
CJTF Primary Court:
The CJTF Primary Court dealt with all the cases received from the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate and as a result 768 people have been convicted to prison sentences of up to 20 years and acquitted 20 people due to lack of enough evidences. These convictions included 6 females, 44 public officials, 10 foreigners as well as a number of heads of Afghanistan’s largest drug trafficking rings.
CJTF Appeal Court:
the CJTF Appeal Court dealt with all the cases received from the CJTF General Prosecution Directorate and as a result convicted 731 defendants on different narco-crimes to prison sentences of up to 20 years and acquitted 14 people. The convictions included 32 public officials, 5 females, 7 foreigners as well as a number of drugs trafficking rings heads.
Cases Finalized By Supreme Court:
The CJTF Prosecution Directorate sent 378 serious narco-cases after they were decided by the CJTF Appeal Court to the Supreme Court of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan as result 618 suspects were convicted to prison sentences.